Medical IoT Security RFI Checklist

The purpose of this vendor-agnostic Request for Information (RFI) is to help our customers evaluate IoT security solutions that allow them to effectively address network security for unmanaged endpoints within a network.

Despite many solutions on the market, many organizations report that selecting the right IoT security solution for specific organizational needs is challenging. In other words, as a business decision-maker, you are in the process of determining whether the many types of IoT security solutions available on the market today offer key capabilities that best meet the needs of your organization.

This RFI checklist documents must-have features and capabilities that business decision-makers across all enterprises should look for before deciding on the perfect solution to protect all unmanaged IoT devices in their network.

10 key areas of focus in this RFI are:

  1. IoT solutions architecture and underlying technology
  2. Unmanaged asset visibility and context
  3. IoT risk assessment and policy recommendation
  4. Types of alerts generated through the solution
  5. Threat prevention capabilities
  6. Threat response capabilities
  7. Dashboard and reports
  8. Integration with existing infrastructure and future IT and security solutions
  9. Regulatory compliance
  10. Viability of the organization and customer experience

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